German Name Generator

German Name Generator

Germany is located in Central Europe. Berlin is the capital of Germany. The population of Germany is 8.84 million. German is an official language that is widely spoken in Germany. However, there are many other languages spoken because of the large number of immigrants in Germany.

German Names

German history has a very strong impact on German names. We have gathered all Old High German and Middle High German names in our German name generator database. These random German names show the roots of ancient Germanic tribes and ancestors.

Male Names:

  1. Alexander
  2. Maximilian
  3. Lukas
  4. Felix
  5. Paul

Female Names:

  1. Sophie / Sophia
  2. Emma
  3. Mia
  4. Lena
  5. Charlotte

Before choosing any German name, please keep in mind that Germany has legal regulations. The boy’s name should be used for boys, and the same should be used for girls’ names.