Lithuanian Name Generator

Lithuanian Name Generator

Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region of Europe. Vilnius is the capital and largest city. They gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1990 and joined the EU in 2004,

Lithuanian Names

Lithuanian names consist of a given name that contains a surname. Names were given from Lithuanian mythology and Christian traditions, such as Vytautas or Lina. Surnames end in “-as” for males and “-ienė” for females that indicate gender, occupations or family histories, such as Petravičius or Jonaitienė.

Below, we have shared an example list of Lithuanian male and female names that our Lithuanian name generator can generate :

Male Names:

  1. Vytautas
  2. Algirdas
  3. Jonas
  4. Gediminas
  5. Žygimantas

Female Names:

  1. Lina
  2. Jurga
  3. Ona
  4. Rūta
  5. Austėj