Malian Name Generator

Malian Name Generator

Mali is located in West Africa. There many languages spoke in Mali such as Bambara, Bobo, Bozo, Dogon, Fula, Hassaniya, Kassonke, Maninke, Minyanka, Senufo, Songhay languages, Soninke and Tamasheq.

Mali Names

So it isn’t easy to find out which name belongs to which language but our Mali name generator made it easy for you. We put all of the Mali names in our name generator.

Here are a few example of mali names :

Male Names:

  1. Amadou
  2. Moussa
  3. Oumar
  4. Modibo
  5. Ibrahim

Female Names:

  1. Aminata
  2. Fatoumata
  3. Mariam
  4. Hawa
  5. Adama